November 9, 2007

Should I sterilize my ferret?

It’s hard to answer this since when it comes to surgery for our pets, we only have to consider the ones that are CERTAINLY necessary, and ferret sterilization is.

Spaying vs. neutering

When it comes to female ferrets, we use the term “spay”, which refers to the extraction of ovaries and uterus.
When it comes to male ferrets, we use the term “neuter” or castration –that is more precise than sterilization- that refers to the removal of glands or any other part of their reproductive system.

Valid reasons to spay and neuter your ferret
  1. Prevents interbreeding of runaway ferrets with polecats: Despite that they say ferret are no wild animals, there are populations of them in certain places. This wouldn’t be a problem if there were not the chance they can mate with polecats. This interbreeding would eventually make wild polecats disappear.
  2. Improved ferret behavior: This is particularly true in the case of male ferrets. A non-neutered male ferret can be more aggressive with its fellow ferrets or even its owner.
  3. Keeps female ferrets safety: Female ferrets stay in heat as far as they do not mate. But this would cause severe anemia that may even cause their death. So, it is indispensable to spay female ferrets.
  4. Reduces ferret bad smell: Neutered/spayed ferrets smell much less than those who are not.


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