November 1, 2007

How to combat ferret's bad smell - Part I

Do not let your ferret's odor drive your family mad

No oen can deny that ferret are such lovely animals and companions, but certainly their company would be way more enjoyable if we could handle their strong smell, so you coudl enjoy the most of your little friend, and make your loved-ones feel good about it as well.

Why ferrets are smelly?

Every animal has a particular smell, but some have stronger smell over others, as ferrets. The resposible of the strong ferret smell are the sebaceous glands these animals have all along their bodies.

These glands segregate an oil with a natural unpleasant musk-like smell. This strong smell allows ferrets mark the difference form other animals and mark their territory.

You may have heard about the perianal glands (near the anus, and certainly ferrets have these hormones well developed but use it only when they are sexually aroused or for self-defense.


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